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5 Effective ways to deal with Burnout and Workload


5 Effective ways to deal with Burnout and Workload

5 Effective ways to deal with Burnout and Workload

Are you an employee? If Yes, answer this- How much workload is too much workload for you? Every individual no matter how smart they are has a threshold for everything: their attention, resilience, productivity, capacity to handle pressure and much more. Are you aware of your threshold? No one can really know the exact point of it but we definitely can identify, introspect, try not to miss the signs our body is giving us and accordingly work on it. The capacity to handle pressure is unique for each individual and so is the burnout. Burnout is the feeling of exhaustion at emotional, physical and psychological level caused due to prolonged stress. When we think of burnout it is also important to know that not one but multiple factors are responsible for it- environmental, emotional, psychological and personal factors. Some common causes of burnout are excessive workload, unclear expectations, negative work environment, limited resources and support. But don’t worry we at Mind Celebrations curate the Employee Assistance Program for our clients keeping in mind their needs and purpose.

Here are 5 effective ways to deal with Burnout and Workload:

1. Prioritise tasks:

Burnout is the cause of inability to manage workload. When people are drowning with work they cannot focus on the task in front, because they keep worrying about the pending tasks and end up completing nothing. Hence inculcating practices like making a to-do list at work daily before starting your day gives you a direction to go about the tasks and gives you clarity about which task to focus more on. Set your own deadlines and make the work process more engaging and challenge your abilities.

2. Communicate effectively within team:

Another major reason for workload can be inconsistent team communication and a negative work environment. If any time you get stuck at work, approach your seniors and get it clarified ASAP. The more you wait the more it piles up. If you are an employer reading, keep a space for your employees where they can share their doubts to quickly clarify them. This will accelerate the working speed. We at Mind Celebrations makes it easier for the employers to connect with their employees through workshops and Employee Assistance Program. If you want to flourish your organization, get started now!

3. Take breaks:

A small break can never do any harm, instead it is going to help you clear off your mind and start afresh. According to the “Work Rest Separation Principle” there are two phases namely – Work phase and Rest phase. In the work phase an individual must solely focus on working and completing the task, avoiding as many distractions as they can and staying committed to the task. Then there is the rest phase which is the time completely dedicated to taking a break and most importantly disengaging from work. In this phase you focus on personal tasks, such as reading a book or scrolling social media. In conclusion there must not be an overlap between these two phases. Imagine how abiding by this simple principle can change your work life!

4. Avoid working long extra hours:

If we use the previously mentioned Work Rest Separation Principle correctly we will end up completing most of the tasks on our to do list hence we don’t have to work extra hours. If we keep working extra hours consistently for years we get stuck in this vicious cycle which is hard to escape which leads to the toss of our physical health. Causing intense fatigue, physical ailments and affecting our mental health.

5. Practice Self-care:

Self care isn’t only about face masks and skin care it’s beyond that. Everyone has their unique definition for self care but including a good physical activity in your self care routine as a working professional helps you at physical and psychological level boosting your productivity. Engage in activities like exercising, meditation and mindfulness. If you want to know more about self care check out our previous article – (Self care at Workplace).

Including these 5 steps in your daily work routine will help you get rid of the workload and protect you from burnout. If you find this article meaningful, share it with your colleagues and create awareness for a good cause.

We at Mind Celebrations extensively work on building Proactive Mental Fitness through our Employee Assistance Program curated with utmost care and research. To know more get in touch with us at or visit us at Authors are co-founders of Mind Celebrations – first preventive Mental Healthcare initiative for organizations and employees.

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