5 ways to be a resilient employee
Hannibal Barca beautifully captured resilience when he said “We will either find a way or make one”. Resilience is the individual’s ability to bounce back to normal from challenges in life. It is a beautiful strength one can ever behold, a skill all can learn and a subtle power, anyone can bear. Good employees are the catalyst for an organization’s growth. They fasten the growth process and give better results that boost corporate wellness. In difficult circumstances, it becomes easier for organizations to cope with and tackle the problems with them. They are quite capable of dealing with pressure and harsh circumstances and adapting effectively to new scenarios. Can assist their coworkers by encouraging and motivating them at work. Excel at prioritizing work and managing time efficiently. Have excellent networks and operate well together as a team.
Finally, they are always open to new opportunities for growth and development. Rather than complaining about failures they learn from it. Now picture what a team with corporate wellness would look like if every employee possessed the quality of resilience, wouldn’t that be a cherry on the cake? Inculcating the value of resilience in your employees helps organizations develop a strong and flexible workforce that is better able to handle obstacles and prosper in a constantly evolving work environment. The question at hand is: How are resilient employees cultivated? In this article, we will explore “The 5A’s Formula” Mind Celebrations have curated just for you. It will give insights that contribute to the development of resilience in employees, examining the underlying processes that enable individuals to effectively navigate challenges and setbacks in the workplace.
5 Ways to Be a Resilient Employee
Mind Celebrations has created this ultimate encouraging formula of “The 5 A’s” it stands for:
1. Accept Challenges
The first step to resilience and adapting it in your daily life is being open to challenges. Viewing difficult circumstances as opportunities. Practicing radical acceptance- the ability to accept what you can change and having the grace of accepting any situation or circumstances that you cannot change. In simple words having the power to accept things or situations you can control and even those which are not in your control. At this stage, you become completely conscious of the issue.
2. Absorb through Hardship
Just accepting challenges is not enough, now you need to proactively work on them and improve. Rather than sulking, getting annoyed, and blaming the external factors, learning from it is the secret no one is telling you. Be open to feedback and constructive criticism and see it as an opportunity to move one step ahead. Bringing these small changes will be seen in your performance. Now ask yourself, are you learning from your mistakes?
3. Agile and Adapt
Now that we move ahead it’s time to get out of that comfort zone. Challenge yourself to adapt and be flexible with things happening around you, be it good or bad. Be agile, overcome that internal resistance and take steps towards solving the problem. Look at challenges as an opportunity to grow. It also helps in flourishing all other aspects and inculcating corporate wellness within the team.
4. Apply from previous Experiences
Learn from the experiences of others or your own. Identify how you can use those learnings in the present life to bounce back and get in the motion. Resilient employees diligently keep gaining insights even from passive experiences. Hence they are a boon to organizations.
5. Access a Supportive Network
Resilient employees value a supportive network. Provide your employees with a psychologically safe place where they can express themselves without fear of being reprimanded or repercussions. As an organization providing them with the right employee counselor and keeping their mental health a priority results in increased job satisfaction and well-being.
What are the fruitful outcomes of having a resilient employee in the workplace?
Growth Mindset
A resilient employee focuses on learning and constant development in the organization. They believe in personal and professional growth. They are keen to learn new opportunities and enhance their skills. They are aware of their strengths and weaknesses and are willing to work on it. Hence providing such opportunities always accelerates the progress of an organization. Employees with a growth mindset have cohesiveness amongst the team. They believe in upskilling hence taking feedback from time to time and viewing it positively. Adapting a growth mindset in an organization helps increase the value of the organization and improve the potential of the team members. A growth mindset is beneficial for staying ahead of the circumstances and tackling them efficiently.
Problem-Solving Mindset
Resilient employees think critically in every situation which makes it easier for them to tackle difficult situations. Problem-solving mindset allows the employees to focus more on the process rather than the results. It allows the employees to get out of their comfort zone and make progress. Resilient employees function with a problem-solving mindset; they identify the issues and effectively minimize their impact on the organization. They come up with unique and valid solutions. They believe in making informed decisions collaboratively along with all the team members. Problem-solving mindset within the employees is fruitful to the organization as it saves cost and time of the organization providing quick and effective solutions.
Improve Decision Making
A resilient employee adapts good decision-making skills to help the organization. Good decision-making is important for an organization’s benefit. It involves having clear objectives and working towards your goal without any distractions. Resilient employees make informed decisions by calculating all the risks and circumstances. Making the right decisions comes with its benefits to the organization. It saves resources and time by high-impact activities. And from an employee perspective, it inspires other team members and motivates them to perform better. One can develop decision-making skills by engaging in critical thinking, avoiding biases, focusing on long-term achievement, and considering all the possibilities.
Work-Life Balance
Resilient employees abide by striking a good balance between personal and professional life. It allows them to take proper breaks and focus on specific tasks at a time that eradicates the work pressure and never-ending deadlines because they manage their time effectively. Maintaining a balance also allows them to engage in their habits and other activities apart from work. This helps the organization drive the best results and foster a culture of creativity and innovation. Providing employees with a workspace that allows them to actively maintain work-life balance will reduce absenteeism, promote more involvement, and boost productivity. Resilient employees also prioritize their emotional and physical well-being. We at Mind Celebrations prioritize Proactive Mental Fitness through our Employee Assistance Program EAP dedicated just for our client’s needs.
Growth Opportunities
Resilient employees value organizations where growth is prioritized. They look forward to working with multiple opportunities in different areas to improve their professional life and upskilling their experience. Being resilient as an employee provides various growth opportunities and it also helps the organization in various ways. Are you upskilling yourself? If not, now is the right time to start. As an organization promoting employee growth is very crucial it helps to keep the employees motivated. Providing them with a scope of development and offering corporate wellness programs and training consistently helps to build trust within the organization. We at Mind Celebrations have curated an Employee Assistance Program to boost productivity, reduce absenteeism, increase attrition and bring corporate wellness within your organization and employees. Visit our website- *link for the website* to know more. Now that we are aware of 5 ways to build resilient employees and what its fruitful outcome is, take a minute and analyze how much effort is taken by your organization. It’s also crucial to keep in mind building a resilient workforce is not a quick-fix solution but a consistent and gradual
process. After all, Rome was not built in a day!
We at Mind Celebrations extensively work on building Proactive Mental Fitness through our Employee Assistance Program curated with utmost care and research. To know more get in touch with us at reach@mindcelebrations.com or visit us at www.mindcelebrations.com. Authors are co-founders of Mind Celebrations – first preventive Mental Healthcare initiative for organizations and employees.